www.seahistory.org website by Blackberry Creative

New website from Blackberry Creative for the National Maritime Historical Society
















Can one pay respect to the past while utilizing up-to-date technology to do so? Are history and modern media mutually exclusive? How best to take the stories of the past into the future? Well, the world of web design and history have come together yet again with a new website design for the National Maritime Historical Society.

The NMHS is considered the national voice for America’s maritime heritage helping to raise awareness about the history and role seafaring has played in shaping the United States of America along with the rest of the world. We are pleased to announce the launch of their new, content and image-rich website designed by the Blackberry Creative team right here on Vancouver Island.

Having searched the online world for a web design company they felt would help them meet their communication goals, the National Maritime Historical Society contacted us last Fall after seeing our work for clients including the Institute of Nautical Archaeology and the Vancouver Maritime Museum.

With 150 pages of content and over 450 images, this custom site has an online store, expandable photo and video galleries, interactive maps, downloadable pdfs, an updatable calendar, event registration capacity, blogs, and a uniquely interactive visual display on the opening page. The site was built on the user-friendly WordPress platform allowing the NMHS admin team to easily update and maintain the site after receiving some initial training from Blackberry Creative.