Some designers have all the fun! Take a peek at the text on this product label for Glacéau vitaminwater™
I guess this means no more sweating those little typos… well, as long as the words are in the right order, and the first and last letter rule is followed to the letter—so to speak.
Hmm, let’s try it shall we…
smoe tihngs are jsut fun… po was rdeaing the leabl form a porcudt taht her son was diikrndg cleald glacéau vitaminwater™ No her eeys wree not diiecvng her… tkae a qciuk peek at the ifno on the lbeal! so no mroe sniteawg tshoe prbomeltaic litlte topys, I gsues… spchelclek bgonee! wlel, as lnog as the wrdos are in the rghit oderr of cusroe and the wlhoe frsit and lsat lteter tinhg is fweollod to the lteter—so to sapek.
Not sure that this phonetic effect is as straight forward as stated on the label—there appear to be some letter combos that we simply must see together in order to make sense of a word—but this an interesting exercise nonetheless. And sorry kids the only reason this actually works is because it is assumed that you already know how to read and spell the words correctly… so keep reading!
very cool and crazy that our brains can receive and decode messages based from the shape of the word….thanks for sharing